So I've been thinking... about Marijuana.
So I've been thinking... about Marijuana.So, follow the link and watch the video. I think that is a good summary.
Everyone wants to get on their high rock and say "oh, it kills you!"
then "Oh, it's bad for you!"
Well, I don't think that it's unhealthy. Certainly not as unhealthy as inhaling tar and carcinogens to get your nicotine or drinking until you need your stomach pumped. Believe me, I'm in college: I KNOW how nasty alchohol is, I've SEEN it and I actually DO NOT WANT to drink it at all right now, or get sloppy fucking drunk EVER.
So the real issue is "oh, it ruins your life!"
There is no doubt that drugs can ruin your life, just as any other substance or activity taken to excess. There is no difference between alchohol, tobacco, video games, sex, or drugs, ect. Really, it doesn't have to be an evil, sinful object. Any 'temptation' or activity can 'ruin' your life. Say I play too much and never work, is that ruining my life? Say I work too much and never play, aren't I also unproductive at the same time? Someone define for me what exactly life is and what is ruin. Is the measure of life productivity? Is that what all the measure of dollars and cents and age and time and work means? Honestly, upon first pondering this question, productivity was what I first thought this society deemed as the measure for life. I don't think this was my own misleading, I was led to it. I won't go into detail, but is there any argument?
Another measure of life is happiness (and thus, if I work too much I will ruin my life by being unproductive in another sense). 'Marijuana will ruin your happiness.' How? By becoming a junkie? What is a 'junkie'? They are unproductive both according to 'work' and family, emotions, and that other stuff right? Oh, we're on the productivity conundrum again. So.. happiness comes from productivity??
Really, when you think about it... I don't think the essence of life is productivity. It's not so base. Many conventions describe essence as a higher state of consciousness, quite unproductive (and I agree with that. See Buddhism).
okay, well aside from productivity. really. this time.
I hear and think alot about purity (no wonder considering I'm very attune to the sociological impact of religion, and I enjoy understanding the thoughts and universal undertones of religion. Purity comes up quite often). Anyone who has picked up any work of literary note can think and trace through the idea of purity as good, joy, happiness, whatever you want to call it (I always think of "Heart of Darkness" by Joseph Conrad in these thoughts).
Okay so, drugs are the Temptation. and Purity is Happiness and the measure of your life. Using drugs corrupts you and stains your life, causing you to be impure and that causes unhappiness. You *may* end up dying young and grieving your family, or beating your wife and children, whatever. Doesn't this happen with alcohol as well? in fact, more often? So it's an all-or-none approach, which really very few Americans have.
Purity can be kept to those smart enough to have and keep it. If you're smart enough, then enjoy your purity. But don't make up bullshit and force it on everyone. It's a personal affair, especially with a drug that can't kill you or do any of the shit that alcohol does.
and even if you feel that way... smoking a fatty isn't really a grime-trap. It's only your mindset.
If you use it with or develop the mindset to let it take control of you, then that's what will happen. You could end up failing your classes because you're stoned on the couch 24/7 or fucking your dog, w/e . Or it can be a respectable recreation and relaxation like kicking back with some home brewed lager (not beating your wife and kids) or playing a video game (not 24/7 to the point that you're failing).
And don't take it so black-and-white. If anyone has any intelligence and 10 minutes a day to think about it, take the time and actually think about how extremely subtle mindsets are and their effects. There is a great distance between real mindset (not forceful) and how they lead to the summary of your life in all its interconnected parts; even a slight change in angle creates an enormous change over distance which changes the results (this I learned from my father in the workshop, where he taught me that even an error by .03mm in a car part during manufacturing can render it useless).
So... when one abuses to the point of becoming unproductive, unhappy, ruining his life and the lives attatched to his... he is really his own enemy. It's not the drugs ruining himself. It's him ruining himself. The drugs don't even have to be real.
Getting into my own thoughts, which tend to carry things too deeply, I think that life is a test of your solidarity and worth as a person. You express this through the mindset that you take; partly developed and partly given (by birth, socialization, whatever. it has a great effect). No matter what is in front of you, what is handed to you, do you have the worth? do you have the consciousness? Things are not a one-way track, there are really no paths. In reality you push through molecules which you affect in all directions; you do not walk down a path. You break the drag created from your foot sticking to the floor and the floor sticking to your foot; you do not take a step.
We do not look deep enough. My words and conventions are always are too faltering.
haha, who sounds high now.