Saturday, August 02, 2003

When I grow up, I should be a Geologist or a Jewler... That would be awesome, since my middle name is Garnet. like how the cool adventurers' middle names are "Danger" and the like... Mine's... *dramatic pause* GARNET@!! I have made my life decision. The ultimate tackiness.. Only the best for me. buahahaha.

Watching a day full of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Osbournes, Trading Spaces, Extreme Elimination Challenge, Monster Garage, Monster House, Unscrewed, and X Play has really rotted out my brain. It's sooooo great. I got to watch like 3 at once!

Um.. I have to get on the phone... But i'll link to the BEST THING EVER later! When the website is back up...