Thursday, April 27, 2006

Since Last

Well, my anxiety has been cleared for a while. Mishal finally showed up for one day and we were able to talk for two or so hours. It felt really good. I just hope that this wasn't a one-time occurance. I don't want to get worked up like that again.

I'm kind of exhausted, though I'm not doing that badly. I have to get another reference and do this resume and "statement of interest and goals" done before 4pm tomorrow so I can apply for this job on campus.

I'm very tired in alot of aspects. I don't know why. I think I need a break, but I don't really do work to merit a break. I've been busy for like a week, that's all.

I need to go to the pharmacy to get some ointment. I've had this little spot of poison ivy rash since I went into the woods last week. It's just starting to bother me alot.


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