Thursday, December 01, 2005

Yesterday I started really doing some work... I helped deliver 1 truckfull and 1 carfull+ of supplies to the Columbus Open Shelter, currently in exile at a church in downtown Columbus since their center was closed last year. The Open Shelter is a shelter and supply center for the homeless and others. I did this work for an on campus group called ProgressOWU which rallys students on campus to educate about and work for progressive issues.

The Sociology department is very intertwined with this group.. I've found that the sociology professors and students have a sense of comradery and community that other departments don't have. Everyone accepts everyone, everyone is open for everything, and everyone is willing to do something extraordinary with their lives-- extraordinary in the sense that it breaks away from the "go to school, get a degree, find a job" kind of thing.. at least that is how it feels with everyone that I have talked to.

The Open Shelter kind of struck a nerve in me, even though I didnt even see or ineract with anyone except the other students and the director while we were organizing cans. Im thinking about dropping my Plant Signal Transduction tutorial to take Politics of American Healthcare.


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