I had a post from last night saved as a draft, but it's so stupid and depressing I don't think I want to post it. I don't want to fill this thing up with whining and complaining "I can't help mysef" just as I get back into it. That stuff's stupid to think, anyway.
So, last night was a good night. I spent time with Angie. Angie and I have been off-and-on friends since I was in 7th grade. We went to France together in November. It was around then that I started getting really mad at her and decided that I didn't want to be friends with her anymore. She didn't want to talk to me the entire 2 weeks and seemed to complain the whole time. Though, I do admit we have different enthusiasms (I loved being around all the Roman ruins and castles and aqueducts, while I know she doesn't share that sentiment) and from what I hear, she had a pretty bad host family. Sometimes I think, why did she even want to go to France? She seemed to act very American. But anyway, those are just differences I shouldn't judge a person so much on, right? Right.
Anyway, some other stuff happened that I don't want to divulge into. But I was pretty mad.
However, she started to talk to me a bit more in French class. We always said "We need to start hanging out again!" and stuff. Last night, I was feeling pretty troubled. I didn't want to stay home and steep for another day, I needed to get out and play with a loud group of friends. I called Angie, we talked for hours waiting for her mom to come home. To initiate our new friendship, we played the no-secrets game. I spilt everything about my unhealthy habits. I cried and everything, like really cried. Of course, that should be nothing new. (I am suddenly reminded of when Mrs Kinsey was talking to be about her mom accepting her job as a teacher and cried.) In return, she talked about her visit with Jack, her boyfriend, in explicit detail. I spilled a little more dirt involving my best friend Chris, of which he has no idea about. The dirt, I mean. Not that I told. I'm sure he'll find that out. Angie and I ate chinese food. Mmmyum.
So, Chris called me last night and said, "We're swimming tomorrow." This was news to me, but he said that we had talked about it. Sooo.. okay! I love how my memory likes to pull fast ones on me like that. It makes things seem interesting and spontaneous, even if they're really not. With a bad memory, everything is a new experience.
Katie is coming along, too. She's a Freshman, go Kate.
After that Chris and Angie and I are going to go shopping. Yay Rah. My brother wants online, so I must go.
Note: Talk about Angie and the fuzz
Saturday, May 15, 2004
About Me
- Name: Natticus
- Location: Marysville, Ohio, United States
Attending Ohio Wesleyan University. Studying Environmental Studies and Geography.

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