Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Alex was here this last week... it... was unexpectingly wonderful... I don't know what happened.. but, I feel strange... Like I wanted to talk to him more and more now. Maybe thing is just a giddy thing to help me get over the trauma of the parting part of the trips... but... It's given me a bit of a surprisingly new outlook.

I'm going to have to start toning down all my lovey-dovey stuff... That's just not me, I need to keep my head on my shoulders and not act with so much emotion-- because MY emotions are completely unreliable... heh. If I want any kind of love, I know that with me it's going to have to be a rational thing, not so much emotional. Right now though, I think I can say that I don't really *want* love... I want mind and intellect. I love that he can give that to me sometimes... how smart he is. I bet if he knew that, he'd push it more and I would be even more eager and anxious to talk with him. Man, I would enjoy that.

Soon, I should have pictured developed from quite awhile ago.

I was reading about the Romans for Cultural Connections today for homework.. and I got so excited about going to see the aqueducts while I'll be in France that I couldn't concentrate. GOD I wish we were going to tour Arles. I am so going to go back to France for that...

Less than 3 weeks... God i'm nervous...


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